Eyecatching works from one of our well loved collections and certainly one of our popular artists. Her work is thought provoking and quite atmospheric, which is why many of our customer admire her sea and skyscape work. So we were very excited to find out that in July there were new art studio releases to add to the Alison Johnson collection.
We are pleased that she has now released six new pieces of art in July.
A Moment in Time
A Moment In Time – is one of the titles from the new collection which is certainly thought provoking. Whilst capturing the striking seascape and the memories that it may evoke for the viewer. The contrast and dramatic colours within this piece will certainly work with the colour decor of many rooms and make a great centrepiece.
Golden Harmony
Golden Harmony – one of the six new titles from the new studio collection that offers the vibrancy and dramatic colours. Beautiful selection of warm hues of oranges, reds and browns in this image. Shows the ability to work with such a diverse palette of colours to create these stunning pictures. It is certainly evident across the whole collection range.
We love to display the Alison Johnson art within the gallery as she brings colour and vibrancy, which certainly grabs our customers attention. There is many conversations started by these stunning pictures.
This collection is available on canvas, framed or unframed. As well as these New Studio Releases by Alison Johnson, we have many other pieces of art by Alison. So if you would like to see the full range, then please click here